Featured Products

Scare Crows Scare Crows
Our Price: $3.00
Skunken Skunken
Our Price: $3.00
Hippo Xray Hippo Xray
Our Price: $3.00
Colorado Winter Elk Colorado Winter Elk
Our Price: $3.00
Turducken Turducken
Our Price: $3.00
Yoga Giraffe Yoga Giraffe
Our Price: $3.00
Cool Gnarwal Cool Gnarwal
Our Price: $3.00
Cycling Raptor Cycling Raptor
Our Price: $3.00
Space Giraffe Space Giraffe
Our Price: $3.00
Romance Skunk Romance Skunk
Our Price: $3.00

About Artlettes

I began selling these in 2016 and they are such a joy to make. The designs are all designed/created by me, with the size at roughly 1 1/2” x 2 1/2” (roughly the size of a double-folded dollar bill), printed on 90 lb water color paper.

Each Artlette includes an envelope, hand crafted from butcher paper. Sleeves are available (blank or with greeting) for either display or with greeting. The sleeves are printed on 65 lb butcher-style paper and the envelopes are hand made on 24 lb butcher paper

Custom Orders and Large Format Options are now available!